The keywords and parameters in this statement serve the same purposes they serve when you create a sequence. To restart the sequence at a different number, you must drop and re-create it. If you change theINCREMENTBYvalue before the first invocation ofNEXTVAL, some sequence numbers will be sk...
SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Modifies the arguments of an existing sequence object. If the sequence was created with theCACHEoption, altering the sequence will recreate the cache. Sequences objects are created by using theCREATE SEQUENCEstatement. Sequences are integer val...
The following example demonstrates two features of sequence numbers: cycling, and usingNEXT VALUE FORin a select statement. SQL CREATESEQUENCECountBy5ASTINYINTSTARTWITH1INCREMENTBY1MINVALUE1MAXVALUE5CYCLE; GOSELECTNEXTVALUEFORCountBy5ASSurveyGroup,NameFROMsys.objects; GO ...
The THREAD clause is applicable only if you are using Oracle with the Real Application Clusters option in parallel mode. integer is the thread number. The number of threads you can create is limited by the value of the MAXINSTANCES parameter specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement. If you...
Notice it doesn't say the statements in the "true" WHEN clause. So even if the when statement is false, the nextval will fire: select case when 1=0 then 'next ' || seq_id.nextval when 1=1 then 'curr ' || seq_id.currval ...
3. QUERY STATEMENT Syntax SELECT [NEXTVAL | CURRVAL | *] FROM schema.sequence_name; SELECT [NEXTVAL | CURRVAL | *] FOR schema.sequence_name; 这里支持两种访问方式,FROM和FOR: FROM clause: 兼容正常的SELECT查询语句,返回的结果是基表的数据,不迭代NEXTVAL。
The SQL statement leading to the generation of the next value fails after the value was generated. The NEXT VALUE expression is used in the SELECT statement of a cursor in a DRDA environment where the client uses block-fetch and not all retrieved rows are fetched by the application. ...
The escape sequence must be at the end of the SQL statement. For multiple SQL statements in a command string, the escape sequence needs to be at the end of each relevant SQL statement. Function handling The JDBC driver supports function escape sequences in SQL statements with the following sy...
An IF, WHILE, DO UNTIL, or CASE statement in an SQL routine Using sequence expressions with a cursor: Normally, aSELECT NEXT VALUE FOR ORDER_SEQ FROM T1would produce a result table containing as many generated values from the sequence ORDER_SEQ as the number of rows retrieved from T1. A...
In addition to Justin's excellent answer you might want to prevent NULL values for your user_id in the future (as they could still be caused by UPDATE statements). Therefore, execute the following statement at the end: ALTER TABLE userlog MODIFY(user_id number NOT NULL); Share ...