ORA-02287错误提示“sequence number not allowed here”通常发生在你尝试在不允许使用序列(sequence)值的地方使用了序列。在Oracle数据库中,序列是用于生成唯一数值的数据库对象,常用于自动增加主键的值。然而,序列的使用有其上下文限制,比如不能直接用在INSERT语句的VALUES子句中为某个列赋值(除非使用了特定的语法,如...
很多oracle语句在使用的时候会有限制,但是Function在大多数情况下没有限制,我们可以通过程序来获取nextval以及currval --获取序列下一个值createorreplacefunctionget_seq_next (seq_nameinvarchar2)returnnumberisseq_valnumber;beginexecuteimmediate'select'||seq_name||'.nextval from dual'intoseq_val ;returnseq_va...
From Oracle FAQ Jump to: navigation, search ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here [edit] What causes this error? An ORA-02287 occurs when you use a sequence where it is not allowed. The usage of a sequence is limited and it can be used only in few areas of PL/SQL and SQL co...
会报“ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here”的错误,可以使用如下语句来完成: insert into my_table(id, name) select seq_my_table.nextval, ' runto30 ' from dual; 或者是 insert into my_table(id, name) values( seq_my_table.nextval, ' runto30 ' ) From :http://zsjg13.iteye.co...
ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here问题的解决 当插入值需要从另外一张表中检索得到的时候,如下语法的sql语句已经不能完成该功能:insert into my_table(id, name) values ((select seq_my_table.nextval from dual), ‘runto30′);会报“ORA-02287: ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: Use Of Sequence In Analytic Function Results In ORA-02287: Sequence Number Not Allowed Here in 19c
Oracle Data Integrator on Marketplace - Version and later: "ORA-02287 : sequence number not allowed here" Signaled when Executing an ODI Integration
ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here ### 利用解发器自动为表插入递增序列:---类似自增字段的作用 建触发器代码为: create or replace trigger tri_test_id before insert on test --test 是表名 for each row declare nextid number; begin...
Hello, I have scenario from RFC to Oracle database. In ID I insert to constant: HR_AWARDS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL When I run this scenario I received this error in RWB: ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here Any idea how to solve this problem? EladKnow...
ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed hereThere are also cases where adding a sequence to the select list has a much greater effect than just being “another column.” Distributed queries, for example, may change their execution plan quite dramatically because the addition of a sequence has cha...