TypeError: sequence index must be integer, not 'slice' The TypeError shows that a deque can only be indexed using an integer, and a slice can’t be used in the square brackets. Deques are optimized to provide efficient access at either the beginning or the end of the data structure. The...
It shows how to use an integer_sequence to create a std::tuple from a std::array<T,N>, and how to use an integer_sequence to get at the tuple members.In the a2t function, an index_sequence is an alias of integer_sequence based on the size_t integral type. make_index_sequence ...
Theoutput_featuresfield expects a dictionary that maps string feature names toseqio.Featureobjects. This defines what theTaskis expected to produce in its output examples. The output examplesmaycontain additional fields, but theymustcontain these fields in the specified format or exceptions will be r...
ReadOnlySequenceSegment<T>是一个抽象类,它表示组成序列的一个片段。ReadOnlySequenceSegment<T>是对一个ReadOnlyMemory<T>对象(对应Memory属性)的封装,同时利用Next属性连接下一个片段,另一个RunningIndex属性表示序列从头到此的元素总量。 代码语言:javascript ...
1、sequence是定义了__getitem__()和__len__()函数的可迭代对象,内置序列有list、str、tuple、bytes,dict虽然也实现了__getitem__()和__len__()函数,但它是映射类型。 2、抽象基类collections.abc.Sequence中定义了许多接口如count(), index(), __contains__(), and __reversed__()可用于扩展。 coll...
在print_tuple函数中,我们使用std::make_index_sequence来生成一个std::index_sequence,然后将其传递给print_tuple_impl函数。 在口语交流中,我们可以这样描述这个示例: “In this example, we first define a helper functionprint_tuple_implthat takes astd::tupleand astd::index_sequenceas parameters. Then, ...
using index_sequence_for = std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T)>; 下面的代码演示了使用std::integer_sequence创建一个含有元素0, 1, 2, 3, …, 9的vector。通过第13行的模板参数10,推导出第5行的模板参数组为0, 1, 2, 3, …, 9。
Is> void print_tuple_impl(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence<Is...>) { ((os << (Is ? ", " : "") << std::get<Is>(t)), ...); } } template <typename T, T... ints> void print_sequence(int id, std::integer_sequence<T, ints.....
…ors. (apache#13880) * Adding integer index support to Sequence* family of operators. Adding ability to use int32 arrays, or any castable-to-int type, as the sequence_length array to SequenceMask, SequenceLast, and SequenceReverse. Previously these operaters all requred sequence_length to be...