In SystemVerilog, modules, programs, interfaces, checkers, functions, and tasks provide means for reuse, and for abstracting and hiding details. SystemVerilog assertions provide such means too. This...Cerny, EduardSynopsys, Inc.Dudani, Surrendra...
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In reply to Hi Ben, To be honest, I’m coming from the firmware world. I am quite new to the hardware description world. I understand what you mean about the difference between ‘and/or’ and ‘&& / ||’. It makes sense to use the logical opera...
To implement the reference model direct programming interface (DPI) functionality of SystemVerilog is used. The reference model is the software implementation of the DUT written using the C-programming language. Design Under test: RCC Unit used in DTMF Receiver ...
SystemVerilog assertions provide such means too. This is achieved using parameterized let , sequence , and property declarations. Their argument lists as well as instantiation semantics are quite different from the other reuse features. In addition, certain kinds of actual arguments can be inferred ...