Oracle sequences: The basics - Simple Talk Oracle CREATE SEQUENCE Explained By Practical Examples 在Oracle数据库中,什么是序列呢?它的用途是什么?序列(SEQUENCE)其实是序列号生成器,可以为表中的行自动生成序列号,产生一组等间隔的数值(类型为数字)。其主要的用途是生成表的主键值,可以在插入语句中引用,也可以通过查询检查当前值,或使序列增至下一个值。
INSERTINTOtasks(id,title)VALUES(task_id_seq.NEXTVAL,'Create Sequence in Oracle');INSERTINTOtasks(id,title)VALUES(task_id_seq.NEXTVAL,'Examine Sequence Values'); 最后,从任务表中查询数据: SELECTid,titleFROMtasks; 在本例中,tasks表与task_id_seq序列没有直接关联。 3)通过标识列使用序列的例子 在O...
DatabaseException- if a failure occurs. public longget(Transactiontxn, int delta) throwsDatabaseException Returns the next available element in the sequence and changes the sequence value bydelta. The value ofdeltamust be greater than zero. If there are enough cached values in the sequence handle...
Oracle Database11g Enterprise EditionRelease11. Production PL/SQLRelease11. CORE11. TNSforLinux: Version11. NLSRTL Version11. # GreatSQL版本 greatsql>\S
# Oracle版本 BANNER --- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production...
You can view the sequences generated by the Oracle users. You just need to use a simple command on the SQL prompt. Syntax:SELECT*FROMUSER_SEQUENCES; A sequence is a database object that generates numbers in sequential order. Applications most often use these numbers when they require a uniq...
oracle sequence的用法 1. 什么是sequence? sequence是oracle数据库中所说的序列。 2. 序列有什么用?...序列(SEQUENCE)其实是序列号生成器,可以为表中的行自动生成序列号,产生一组等间隔的数值(类型为数字)。...dual; --nextVal:增加sequence...
我们首先从Redo的统计情况入手,看看cache在这个过程中的影响。我们选择Oracle 10g作为实验环境。 SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER --- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 32-bit Windows...
program, I have got the error message{"ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number"}I am trying to rectify this problem, but I did not find how to fix it. I am new in #C and Oracle Database. Does anyone here could help me to solve this problem. Thank you in advance Her...