EA&UML日拱一卒--序列图(Sequence Diagram)::循环 相信只要用过时序图,就一定用过循环(loop),但是你还真就不一定发挥了它的所有能力,不信你就继续看。 语义 一 个循环片段可以有重复的上限和下限,以及一个布尔条件,该条件利用来自片段中一条生命线的值。在每次循环开始的时候,如果布尔条件为真,循环体就会被...
EA&UML日拱一卒--序列图(Sequence Diagram)::并行和临界区 如果问用序列图最难表现的是什么,那恐怕就是多任务了。序列图中的多任务建模是利用并行和临界区两种复合片段(Fragment)来实现的。今天一一加以说明。 并行(parallel) 定义 并行是表明多重交互的复合片段,其行为是并发执行的。 并行结构有两个或更多的...
frames由一些sequence diagram区域(region)组成(region由sequence diagram片断组成)。每一个frame都有一个操作符(operator),每一个片断都有一个条件(guard)。 对于循环,操作符是loop,只有一个片断,条件是迭代所有的成员。 对于条件判断,操作符是alt,两个片断各有一个条件,只有条件为真的片断才执行。 如果只有一个区...
A sequence diagram is one of the multiple types of system interaction diagrams used within Unified Modeling Language (UML) to visually represent interactions between the objects that live within a system. Specifically, sequence diagrams provide a view of the order in which those interactions occur th...
How to create your own UML Sequence Diagram Loop UML sequence diagrams are quite simple to create. In Cacoo, you can start with a template or build it on a blank sheet. 1 Break down your project into steps. 2 Using shapes, define each of the steps and actors involved in the process....
通过在Query消息线条上右键-Surround With-》Loop完成操作 回到目录 四、直接通过代码生成时序图 示例代码 生成方式:在方法上右键。 生成的时序图 通过代码生成时序图很少用,还是蛮方便的。这种便于像外人解释自己的代码逻辑,但是前提是代码要要简介,封装的彻底才行。
EA&UML日拱一卒--序列图(Sequence Diagram)::并行和临界区 如果问用序列图最难表现的是什么,那恐怕就是多任务了。序列图中的多任务建模是利用并行和临界区两种复合片段(Fragment)来实现的。今天一一加以说明。 并行(parallel) 定义 并行是表明多重交互的复合片段,其行为是并发执行的。 并行结构有两个或更多的操...
The following diagram shows a loop fragment.There is also an interaction occurrence, which is similar to a combined fragment. An interaction occurrence is a reference to another diagram which has the word "ref" in the top left corner of the frame, and has the name of the referenced diagram...
The following diagram shows a loop fragment. There is also an interaction occurrence, which is similar to a combined fragment. An interaction occurrence is a reference to another diagram which has the word "ref" in the top left corner of the frame, and has the name of the referenced diagram...
sd Sequence diagram: used to surround an entire sequence diagram. Note That: It is possible to combine frames in order to capture, e.g., loops or branches. Combined fragment keywords: alt, opt, break, par, seq, strict, neg, critical, ignore, consider, assert and loop. Constraints are ...