Sequence Diagram Generator for .NET I was recently asked about programs that can automatically generate sequence diagrams from code. While this seems like a somewhat trivial task, there aren’t any good ones. I figured I’d share what I knew, tho. Maybe someone else knows of something better...
Fig. 3: Ability of GPSMs to capture higher-order covariation (r20). aDiagram ofr20calculation forn = 4. Left: For a particular set of positions, {1, 5, 6, 12} in this case, the subsequence frequencies for all words at these positions is calculated for the target MSA and the ev...
Logical states of shift registers for a PRBS generator with N = 3 In this example, since N = 3, the total number of bits per pattern is Nb = 23 − 1 = 7. This is the main reason that 2N − 1 is used as the word length for PRBS instead of simply 2N. Another reason for ...
6.5.4, mechanisms to search for patterns within strings are a key part of Icon's distinctive generator-based control flow. Icon has dozens of built-in string operators, functions, and generators, including sophisticated pattern-matching facilities based on regular expressions. Perl, Python, Ruby, ...
PSoC® 1 Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator User Module as a One-Shot Pulse Width Discriminator and DebouncerThe operating variants of the 8-bit PRS with different parameters are listed in Table 2. The operating diagrams are shown in Figure 5 on page 4, Figure 6 on page 4,...
importnapkin@napkin.seq_diagram()defhello_world(c): ...if__name__=='__main__':napkin.generate() napkin.generate(output_format='plantuml', output_dir='.')will generate all the diagrams described in the same file. Napkin can generate PNG/SVG image or ASCII art text files by asking Pl...
Sobh. A robotic-driven disassembly sequence generator for end-of-life electronic products. J. Intell. Robot. Syst. , 2012 , 68(1): 43 -52 CrossRef Google Scholar [60] H. J. Han, J. M. Yu, and D. H. Lee. Mathematical model and solution algorithms for selective disassembly ...
Crooks GE, Hon G, Chandonia JM, Brenner SE: WebLogo: a sequence logo generator. Genome Res 2004, 14: 1188–1190. 10.1101/gr.849004 Article PubMed Central CAS PubMed Google Scholar Hall TA: BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98...
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) in the context of Computer Science refers to a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) using the V.41 16-bit generator polynomial. It is a mechanism used in frame relay networks to detect errors in frames by checking all bits in the frame between the flags. The FCS does...
on one by one, while noting that si=f(si−1,ai), oi=g(si−1,ai), and i=1,2,…,n. Example 20.9 Show the state diagram for the Mealy machine where Table 20.4 presents its state table, and then determine the output string if the input string is 11111. Table 20.4. State ...