三、时序图实例分析(Sequece Diagram Example Analysis) 时序图场景 时序图实例 时序图实例分析 四、总结(Summary) 一、时序图简介(Brief introduction) 时序图(Sequence Diagram)是显示对象之间交互的图,这些对象是按时间顺序排列的。顺序图中显示的是参与交互的对象及其对象之间消息交互的顺序。时序图中包括的建模元素...
PlantUML 的安装及配置 对应了一个类操作或状态机中引起转换的触发事件。 语法实例:1234567@startumltitleSequenceDiagram Example actor Tester1... 8.组件图视图 状态图状态图- 描述一个实体基于事件反应的动态行为,显示了该实体如何根据当前所处的状态 对不同的事件做出反应的。 语法实例:12345678 9 10 11 ...
我想知道是否有办法在单个页面上并排制作两个PlantUML序列图。我希望在两个图表中保持相同的参与者名称。目前,如果我像下面这样做,它会自动合并成一个序列图。@startumlBob -> A...How to make multiple sequence diagrams in single page
1.找到File菜单的settings菜单项,在弹出的Dialog中找到Plugins插件选项 2.搜索SequenceDiagram,点击Install 3.安装好后,选中方法右键点击Sequence Diagram 4.弹出如下时序图...PlantUML 语法详解:绘制时序图 本文将介绍技术文档中的时序图,采用 PlantUML 编写。时序图(Sequence Diagram),又名序列图、循序图,是一种 ...
Great, no need to say more Excellent Work! Would you consider add copy plantuml code to clipboard function? it is painful i had to export every uml file and open in AS uml plugin again
In this paper, we propose a transformation method from a scenario written with a structured scenario language named SCEL to a sequence diagram written with PlantUML. The transformation method will be illustrated with an example.doi:10.5220/0006915001340141Y. Morikawa...
PlantUML sequence diagram syntax: You can have several kinds of participants (actors and others), arrows, notes, groups... Changing fonts and colors is also possible.
runnerGenUmlSequenceDiagram.generate("src/test/resources/example/example.txt"); 4.2. 输入文本要求 4.2.1. 输入文本关键字 以下关键字用于指定描述: >> 以下关键字用于指定生命线的名称: @ as 以下关键字用于指定消息: => <= -> : 以下关键字用于对描述或消息指定链接: ~ 以下关键字用于指定注释:...
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.sequencediagram.SequenceDiagram; //导入依赖的package包/类 private Participant getOrCreateParticipant(SequenceDiagram system, RegexResult arg2, String n) { final String code; final Display display; if (arg2.get(n + "CODE", 0) != null) { code = arg2.get(...
:factory: A Chrome / Firefox extension for visualizing PlantUML code. - plantuml-visualizer/puml-sample/sequence.wsd at main · WillBooster/plantuml-visualizer