Python设计模式 - UML - 时序图(Sequence Diagram) 简介 时序图表示参与者与对象之间、对象与对象之间的动态交互过程及时序关系。 时序图详细而直观地展示了对象随时间变化的状态、调用关系和消息时序,时序图中的主要元素有:参与者(Actor), 对象(Object),生命线(Lifetime)、控制焦点(Focus of Control)、消息(Messag...
UML建模之时序图(Sequence Diagram)教程 UML建模之时序图(Sequence Diagram)教程 一、时序图 时序图是一种强调时间顺序的交互图,在时序图中,首先把参与交互的对象放在图的上方,沿X轴方向排列。通常把发起交互的对象放在左边,较下级对象依次放在 右边,然后把这些对象发送和接受的消息沿Y轴方向按时间顺序从上到下...
当前项目可用于为 Java 代码自动生成 UML 时序图,可参考。 2. 更新说明 0.1.0 支持根据消息文本计算所需高度,不再需要人工指定统一固定高度 0.1.1 检查输入文件编码是否为 UTF-8-BOM 0.1.2 自调用消息背景色设置为透明 1.0.2 消...
Describe the bug While using teoz in sequence diagrams, the activation boxes are shifted or do not start/end at the correct position. Current behavior Problems Expected behavior To Reproduce Example code rendered on @startum...
Basic Sequence Diagram with Synchronous Message(具有同步消息的基本序列图) 具有同步消息模式的基本序列图创建元素和序列图,该图描述了一个参与者和两个组件之间的交互,显示了消息的时间顺序调用。消息交换是同步的,这意味着调用者将等待接收到应答。 讨论 其目的是使元素之间的交互可视化。设计人员和实现团队通常创建...
Sequence Diagram - Model before Code Sequence diagrams can be somewhat close to the code level, so why not just code up that algorithm rather than drawing it as a sequence diagram? A good sequence diagram is still a bit above the level of the real code Sequence diagrams are language neutral...
Add vertical activation boxes onto each lifeline to indicate when it is active during the process. You might need to clean up your message arrows to properly align with the activation boxes. Step 5: Add Sequence Fragments If your sequence diagram involves fragments, drag in the appropriate frame...
本工具生成的UML时序图相关的术语及样式参考了,支持的元素包括:生命线(Lifeline)、激活(Execution/Activation)、消息(Message)。 当前项目可用于为Java代码自动生成UML时序图,可参考。
SequenceDiagrams •X-axisisobjects –Objectthatinitiatesinteractionisleftmost–Objecttotherightareincreasinglymoresubordinate •Y-axisistime –Messagessentandreceivedareorderedbytime •Objectlifelinesrepresenttheexistenceoveraperiodoftime•Activation(doubleline)istheexecutionoftheprocedure.7 Example:Sequence...
I need an easy-to-use sequence diagram solution. Most of the UML tools in the market are hard to use. I work with others in designing software and I need a team solution that can version our design and allows us to work collaboratively and concurrently. I want to visualize the code log...