CREATETABLEtasks( id NUMBERPRIMARYKEY, title VARCHAR2(255)NOTNULL); 其次,为tasks表的id列创建一个序列: CREATESEQUENCE task_id_seq; 第三,在任务表中插入数据: INSERT INTOtasks(id, title)VALUES(task_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'Create Sequence in Oracle'); INSERT INTOtasks(id, title)VALUES(task_id_seq....
CREATETABLEtasks(idNUMBERPRIMARYKEY,titleVARCHAR2(255)NOTNULL); 其次,为tasks表的id列创建一个序列: CREATESEQUENCEtask_id_seq; 第三,在任务表中插入数据: INSERTINTOtasks(id,title)VALUES(task_id_seq.NEXTVAL,'Create Sequence in Oracle');INSERTINTOtasks(id,title)VALUES(task_id_seq.NEXTVAL,'Examine ...
To create a sequence inyour own schema, you must have theCREATESEQUENCEsystem privilege. 在自己模式下创建序列需要create sequence权限 To create a sequence inanother user’s schema, you must have theCREATEANYSEQUENCEsystem privilege. 在其他用户模式下创建序列需要create any sequence权限。 语法:Syntax 如...
To create a sequence in another user's schema, you must have theCREATEANYSEQUENCEsystem privilege. create_sequence::= Semantics schema Specify the schema to contain the sequence. If you omitschema, then Oracle Database creates the sequence in your own schema. sequence Specify the name of the s...
ORACLE sequence创建示例: create sequence bys.test_seq increment by 3 start with 5 maxvalue 18 minvalue 4 cycle cache 4; 在bys用户下创建名为test_seq的sequence 从5开始,每次增加3,最大值是18,最小值是4 允许重用,cache 4 表示会缓存四个序列号,比如5 8 11 14 ...
To create a sequence inanother user's schema, you must have theCREATEANYSEQUENCEsystem privilege.在其它用户模式下创建序列须要create any sequence权限。 语法:Syntax 假设不加条件语句,默认创建的序列格式例如以下: -- Create sequence createsequenceSEQ_T ...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Oracle CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create a new sequence in Oracle.
创建:create sequence seq_test minvalue 1 maxvalue 21 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20 cycle order;minvalue 1 / nominvalue:最小值为1 maxvalue 21 / nomaxvalue:最大值为21 start with 1:从1开始计数 increment by 1:每次增加1 cache 20 / nocache:缓存20个sequence值 / ...
Oracle SEQUENCE 特性 START WITH 边界 默认情况下是认为MINVALUE>=START WITH>=MAXVALUE,超出区间就不能创建SEQUENCE START WITH比MINVALUE小创建失败: oracle> create SEQUENCE MY_FIRST_SEQUENCE start with -2 increment by -1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 100 ...
CREATE SEQUENCE seqShenqingdh INCREMENT BY 1 -- 每次加几个 START WITH 100000001 -- 从100000001开始计数 NOMAXvalue -- 不设置最大值 NOCYCLE -- 一直累加,不循环 CACHE 10 --设置缓存cache个序列,如果系统down掉了或者其它情况将会导致序列不连续,也可以设置为---NOCACHE 1. 2. ...