I'm new to sequelize and Node.js. I coded for test sequelize, but error occured"ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE : Table 'db.node_tests' doesn't exist" Error is very simple. However, I want to get data from "node_test" table. I think sequelize appends 's' character. There is my source code. ...
index: 0, sql: 'SELECT * FROM db.table_name' }, original: { [Error: ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE: Table 'db.table_name' doesn't exist] code: 'ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE', errno: 1146, sqlState: '42S02', index: 0, sql: 'SELECT * FROM db.table_name' }, sql: 'SELECT * FROM db.table_name'...
1、找不到表:Table 'experiment_car.users' doesn't exist 我的表名user,查询时默认加"s",变成了“users” 解决方法:在model文件里加上{ freezeTableName:true }的 配置,sequelize就不会在附加“s”字符 参考:sequelize for Node.js : ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE 2、找不到字段:Unknown column 'createdAt' in 'f...
{ [SequelizeDatabaseError: SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: tag] name: 'SequelizeDatabaseError', message: 'SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: tag', parent: { [Error: SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: tag] errno: 1, code: 'SQLITE_ERROR', sql: 'SELECT module_id FROM tag WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE ...
Will ensure a table calledSequelizeMetain database. This table is used to record which migrations have run on the current database 将在数据库中确保一个名为SequelizeMeta的表。 此表用于记录在当前数据库上运行的迁移 Start looking for any migration files which haven't run yet. This is possible ...
sequelize-auto -h <host> -d <database> -u <user> -x [password] -p [port] --dialect [dialect] -c [/path/to/config] -o [/path/to/models] -t [tableName] Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -h, --host IP/Hostname for the database....
Sequelize kishi Cache also provides support for associations withonDeleteactions such as "cascade" and "set null" that may not be detected by the Sequelize model hooks. These actions define the behavior when a record in the associated table is deleted. ...
Note that themetadatainformation is dialect-specific. When there’s no metadata passed by your database server, thenmetadatawill contain the same value as theresultsarray. Let’s see an example of Sequelize raw query in action. Suppose you have a MySQL table namedCitieswith the following fiction...
sequelize.define('user', {}, {indexes: [// Create a unique index on email{unique:true,fields: ['email'] },// Creates a gin index on data with the jsonb_path_ops operator{fields: ['data'],using:'gin',operator:'jsonb_path_ops'},// By default index name will be [table]_[fiel...