1.Investigation on Sequel in Infants with Epidemic Encephalitis B in Kaijinag County;开江县部分流行性乙型脑炎患儿后遗症调查 2.Observation of Therapeutic Effects of Naolizhibao on Cerebral Infarction Sequel;脑力智宝治疗脑梗死后遗症的疗效观察 延伸阅读 面瘫面瘫见面神经麻痹。取穴...
Neonatal cerebral infarction is the cause of the destruction of white and grey substance as a consequence of ischemic and/or thrombotic events that regard an arterial branch. It's frequency is of 1/4000 and it is responsible of about 5/100 of the convulsions in the full term newborn. The...
Myocardial Infarction, or Critical Illness JAMA Network Open Research December 28, 2023 Select Your Interests Others Also Liked Neurological manifestation of carbon monoxide poisoning I K Hart, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 1988 Cerebral Vascular Changes in Carbon Monoxide PoisoningReport of a Case Gedeon...
aIschemic heart disease (IHD) burden consists of years of life lost from IHD deaths and years of disability lived with three non-fatal IHD sequelae: nonfatal acute myocardial infarction (AMI), angina pectoris, and ischemic heart failure. Our aim was to estimate global and regional burden of ...
(CVEs) such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure, or myocardial infarction [162,191,192,200]. In all, studies suggest that between a fifth to a third of patients admitted to the hospital for pneumonia develop cardiac complications [194]. Patients with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as ...
Acute cerebro-vascular diseases orcerebro-vascular accidents are common dis-eases of the nervous system,including tran-sient cerebro-ischemic attacks,atherosclerotic cerebral infarction,cerebralembolism,hypertensive cerebropathy,subarachnoid hemorrhage,hypertensive cer-ebral hemorrhage,etc.赵长信Journal of ...
In recanalized rats, small cortical infarcts, confined to the peripheral MCA territory, were observed in only three of six rats. In contrast, a mixed pattern of infarction and ischemic cell damage was documented throughout the striatum in all rats. Local CBF (1CBF), measured autoradio...
Acute cerebro-vascular diseases orcerebro-vascular accidents are common dis-eases of the nervous system,including tran-sient cerebro-ischemic attacks,atherosclerotic cerebral infarction,cerebralembolism,hypertensive cerebropathy,subarachnoid hemorrhage,hypertensive cer-ebral hemorrhage,etc.doi:CNKI:SUN:ZYYW....