If you have Docker and want to run pipelines locally on your laptop.--max-concurrent-tasks 1is to limit number of concurrent tasks to test-run the pipeline on a laptop. Uncomment it if run it on a workstation/HPC. #check if Docker works on your machine$ docker run ubuntu:latestechohel...
Benchmarking was performed on a workstation with 40 CPU cores, 100GB RAM and GeForce GTX 1080Ti GPU. For all methods, only the querying time was recorded, not including the time consumed to index the references. Identifying cell typing-important genes...
It is computationally efficient (an exome dataset with 50 million PE reads can be processed in less than 5 min on a standard workstation) and accepts input files in standard BAM and VCF formats. It requires no additional sequencing or modifications to the library preparation protocol and gives...
The protocols can help users successfully install SingCellaR and its dependencies on personal computers or high-performance workstation/computing clusters. We describe the possible issues for installing required Python modules in the R environment in the troubleshooting section. At the end of the step,...
We should use this change as an opportunity to rethink the optimal code structure for defining image names. This is currently under discussion. Group consensus can be posted here once achieved for broader community approval. https://github.com/nf-core/modules/milestone/6 ...
· 兼容自动化平台:Beckman® FXP Workstation ■ 产品说明: ThruPLEX® Plasma-seq基于ThruPLEX技术,并用于血浆来源cfDNA高品质NGS文库构建。 该试剂专门针对cfDNA进行优化,在保持样本GC代表性的基础上,提升了文库的信息容量。文库构建后可用于CNV分析、全基因组测序分析或是采用一些panel针对目标区域进行捕获富集后...
and the status of each pore is manipulated using the ReadUntilClient function. The information and decision of each basecalled chunk data point are recorded in the MinKNOW output directory. In this study, all sequencing runs were performed on a Dell Precision T5820 desktop workstation with an ...
Ion AmpliSeq 文库试剂盒2.0包含使用 Ion AmpliSeq 引物生成扩增子以及从制得的扩增子制备文库所需的试剂。该试剂盒可使用 Ion Xpress™ 条形码接头1-96试剂盒或 IonCode™ 条形码接头1-384试剂盒制备条形码文库。条码库可结合并加载到单个 Ion 芯片上,从而尽量缩短测序运行时间和成本,实现准确的样品间比较。
(aquatic fern), and the bacterium, Bacillus subtilis from experiments performed during true spaceflight on various orbital platforms such as the Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS), as well as spaceflight-analog studies, such as hindlimb unloading and bed rest studies (Berrios et ...
关键词: sequence design AlphaSeq deep reinforcement learning (DRL) Markov decission process (MDP) Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) reward function multi-carrier code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA) DOI: 10.1587/transfun.2021EAL2060 年份: 2022 ...