The conformation of the defect is similar to a tunnel between the septum primum and septum secundum. In humans, PFO may be present in 25% of the normal population. In animals, the prevalence of this defect is unknown. It has no hemodynamic significance. • The sinus venosus ASDs are ...
The second form is the sinus venosus type, a relatively uncommon condition featuring a high ASD. It results from abnormal absorption of the sinus venosus into the right atrium or from abnormal development of the septum secundum. Third, a persistent ostium primum results from incomplete fusion of ...
Atrial septal defects involve defects in the fossa ovalis (secundum ASD) or in the septum of the atrioventricular canal (primum ASD). Sinus venosus defects involve the superior vena cava (superior type) or the right atrium (right atrial type), whereas coronary sinus septal defect involves ...
It can happen embryologically by either the abnormal development of the septum secundum, resorption failure of the superior portion of the septum primum, or the persistence of the left venous valve of the sinus venosus. Typically, individuals with double atrial septum are asymptomatic, but they ...
Ostium primum and sinus venosus defects are more complex defects not suitable for device closure and these can normally be readily excluded by transthoracic echocardiography. The size and position of secundum defects helps determine the suitability for device closure....
The second form is the sinus venosus type, a relatively uncommon condition featuring a high ASD. It results from abnormal absorption of the sinus venosus into the right atrium or from abnormal development of the septum secundum. Third, a persistent ostium primum results from incomplete fusion of ...
This study investigated by echocardiography pre- and postoperative findings in patients with right ventricular volume overload, suggesting a mechanism for the abnormal ventricular septal motion. Twenty-one children with secundum atrial septal defect, ostium primum defect, sinus venosus defect or total ...