S1707Case Report: Sepsis Due to Klebsiella oxytoca Bacteremia and Jaundice Originating From Von Meyenburg Complex Superinfectiondoi:10.14309/01.ajg.0000902056.27751.78M. FischmanA. AgarwalD. LorenAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology
BACTEREMIACOVID-19INFECTIOUS arthritisWHOLE genome sequencingSEPSISKLEBSIELLA pneumoniaePurpose: To identify the predictors of morbidity and mortality in matched COVID-19 positive and negative patients who were septic with Gram positive or Gram negative infections. Methods: We conducted a retrospective ...
However, our data suggest that consideration of colonization with MDRGN/SERMA might promote extensive use of last resort antibiotics in neonates. Keywords: multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria; MDRGN; multidrug-resistant bacteria; MDR; neonates; colonization; neonatal infection; sepsis; pneumonia; ...