Implementation of a regional sepsis program to improve compliance with sepsis care bundles and optimize septic patient management and outcomes in the Emergency Department (ED). The program included a multifaceted intervention in 8EDs: creation of a regional sepsis team, meetings, education (yearly 6-...
This choice caused a wide debate, still ongoing, on the validity of the new criteria in terms of sensitivity and specificity, when compared to the previous one. The purpose of this work is to analyse the clinical presentation of sepsis cases and their medical management in the ED of the ...
[Diagnostic and prognostic power of biomarkers to improve the management of community acquired pneumonia in the emergency department] OBJECTIVES: To analyse the usefulness and performance of several biomarkers [C-reactive protein (CRP), mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin (MR-proADM), procalc... A ...
Importance of Early Sepsis Diagnosis and Management For septic patients, IVD testing is crucial to support effective treatment. Testing can be done using many different biomarkers and systems belonging to different laboratory disciplines. Use these educational resources to learn more about the tools to ...
Evidence-based guidelines for sepsis management in the emergency department: a systematic approach to patient risk-stratification, stabilization, and multi-modal therapy--focus on early, goal-directed therapy, activated protein C, antibiotics, and corticosteroids....
Effect of the 1-h bundle on mortality in patients with suspected sepsis in the emergency department: faster is better for the sicker ones!. Intensive Care Med 50, 1938–1939 (2024). Download citation Accepted02 August 2024 Published04 September ...
Diagnostic and prognostic value of presepsin in the management of sepsis in the emergency department: A multicenter prospective study Sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock are common conditions with high mortality. Their early diagnosis in the Emergency Department (ED) is one of the keys... M ...
[Diagnostic and prognostic power of biomarkers to improve the management of community acquired pneumonia in the emergency department] OBJECTIVES: To analyse the usefulness and performance of several biomarkers [C-reactive protein (CRP), mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin (MR-proADM), procalc... A ...
To provide clinicians practicing in resource-limited settings with a framework to improve the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric and adult patients with sepsis. Methods The medical literature on sepsis management was reviewed. Specific attention was paid to identify clinical evidence on sepsis management...
The Role of PCT in Bacterial Infection and Patient Management This webinar will discuss the role of procalcitonin (PCT) in aiding the clinical risk assessment of patients with severe bacterial infections and management of patients diagnosed with sepsis from the perspective of an ED...