Research on Magnetically Integrated Switched-inductor Sepic Converter LI Hongzhu1,LUO Xingyuan1,ZHANG Li1,LI Hongfan2 (1.Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Huludao125105,China;2.Institute of Science and Technology,University of Sanya,Sanya572022,China)Abstract:To ...
改进的电流模式SEPIC变换器的实现 Abstract With the growing utilization of portable device and the rapid process for computer, communication constantly actuates the development of the technique of switching power supply. The research of DC-DC converter served as the core of SMPS, are becoming a hot-...
The paper presents modeling approach of a Single Ended Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC) system. The complete model derivation of the SEPIC converter system has been presented in different modes of operation. Steady state and small signal analysis was carried out on the converter dynamic equations...
SEPICPMBLDC motorair - c onditioningpo w e r quality (PQInthispaper,Apowerfactorcorrection(PFC)basedsingleendedprimaryinductor converter(SEPIC)isusedtoregulateDCbusvoltageof voltagesourceinverter(VSI)torunPMBLDC motor. PermanentmagnetbrushlessDC motor(PMBLDCM)isusedinair-conditioning systems and runsat...
lyimprovetheefficiencyofSEPICconverter,whichverifiesthetheoreticalanalysis. KEYWORDS:Photovoltaicsystem;Zerovoltage;Zerocurrent 1引言 两级式并网光伏逆变器主要由前级DC/DC变换器和后 级的网侧变换器组成,一般情况下由于光伏电池输出电压通 常都低于电网电压的峰值,因此要实现并网发电应先将光伏 ...
In this paper, an integrated double boost SEPIC (IDBS) converter is proposed as a high step-up converter. The proposed converter utilizes a single controlled power switch and two inductors and is able to provide high voltage gain without extreme switch duty-cycle. The two inductors can be coup...
Also the Bode and pole diagrams have been plotted for the converter transfer function. The results are used to design and compare two types of controllers a linear PID controller and fuzzy logic controller, to regulate the output voltage. The literature is very prolific in this emerging field; ...
实验结果表明,基于SEPIC变换器的LED电源设计,功率因数PFC大于92,电源变换效率大于85,满足性能指标要求。关键词:LED ;SEPIC变换器;功率因数校正,恒流供电。.Design of LED Driver Power Supply Based on S 3、EPIC ConverterAbstractIn recent years, global energy shortages and environmental pollution are becoming ...
SEPIC ConverterCCMState-Space AveragingModel Order ReductionPadé-ApproximationCompensatorA SEPIC (Single-Ended Primary Inductor Converter) is a DC-DC converter, capable of operating both in stepup or step-down mode and widely used in battery-operated applications. There are two possible modes of ...