The act on restoration of church property and separation of church from state and its possible territorial consequencesAutor se zamsli nad monmi nebezpecimi, ktera mohou zrestituci cirkevniho majetku vyplvat, a to jako uzemni planovac a urbanista, co jsou jemu vlastni profese....
In other words, the target signal is difficult to separate from the mixed signal when the signal powers of both signals are almost the same, as shown in Figure 1b. Figure 1. Examples of target signals having different intensities compared with interference signals shown as complex spectra. ...
This work first develops the idea of an American Separationist Mindset—a deeply rooted and often unthinking supposition that the strict separation of church and state is the only defensible church-state arrangement under the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. Such a Mindset can ...