property,ZhaoNanthink,Zhangfemale justsuefordivorce,didnotrequirethedivisionofproperty, sotheaboveevidencerefusedtocrossexamination.Thecourt heldthatthefeelingsofZhangandZhaoNan'shusbandandwife hadindeedbeenbrokenandthattheyshouldberelievedoftheir marriage,butthepropertyanddebtsofbothsideswerenot recognizedanddealt...
property after separation and divorce and that, consequently, any determination is left [...] [...] 但歧视的行为依然妨碍妇女为购置财产获得信贷和贷款的权利。32 联合国艾滋 病毒/ 艾滋病联合规划署( 艾滋病规划署)2009 年的一份报告指出,该国没有在离 婚和分居后分割财产...
The law entitles a woman who separates or divorces to one half of the couple’s property if she had regular employment during the marriage and one third of the property if she had not been employed.法律规定,分居或离婚的妇女如果在婚姻期间有固定工作,则有权获得夫妻财产的一半,如果没有工作有...
you're still legally married but can negotiate critical issues—such as child custody, spousal support, and property division—with the help of a court and an experienced divorce attorney.
SeparationAndDivorce DoesYourWifeWantToSeparate?LearnHowWomenUseSeparationAsAToolToCheat. When a woman starts talking about separating from her husband, you can pretty much guarantee that she’s seeing someone, or that she has a ‘particular’ someone in mind that she wants to start seeing. Since...
the grounds (legal reason) for the divorce; custody of children; support of children; visitation with the children; division of assets (for example, pensions, bank accounts stocks and real estate); alimony (or support for the spouse); division of personal property (for example, car ...
Divorce and Separation, 2nd EditionThe series is designed for members of the public who want 'how to' guidance in situations that would normally require expert advice.Rosy BorderJane Moir
1.An arrangement terminating the rights and responsibilities of marriage and providing for the disposition of marital property, alimony, and child custody. Unlike a divorce, a legal separation can be revoked, but also may be converted into a divorce in the absence of reconciliation. ...
the state or condition of being separate. See alsoproperty and ownership. severance 1.the act or process of severing or separating. 2.the state or condition of being severed or separated, as in the ending of a relationship. -Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights...
网络释义 1. 分居和离婚 分居和离婚(Separation and Divorce) 一些婚姻突然就结束了, 而有些婚姻的破碎似乎经历了很长的时间. 不管原因是什么, 如果你...|基于4个网页 2. 分居离婚 Eib-Bureau... ... ADULTEROUS EVIDENCE 通奸证据SEPARATION AND DIVORCE分居离婚ILLEGAL PARAMOUR AFFAI… ...