Define sepal. sepal synonyms, sepal pronunciation, sepal translation, English dictionary definition of sepal. n. One of the usually green leaflike structures composing the outermost part of a flower. Sepals often enclose and protect the bud and may remai
Biology: High School Browse by Lessons Flower Dissection Lesson Plan Flower Lesson Plan for Elementary School Inflorescence | Definition, Flower & Types Parts of a Flower Lesson Plan Facts About Fruit: Lesson for Kids Orange Fruit | Segments, Parts & Characteristics Ovule of a Flower | Definition...
sepal: One of the usually green leaflike structures composing the outermost part of a flower. Sepals often enclose and protect the bud and may remain after the fruit forms.
Book series2012, Methods in Cell Biology Alexandre Cunha, ... Elliot M. Meyerowitz Explore book A Sepal Epidermis The sepal is a defensive organ that encloses and protects the developing reproductive structures. At maturity, the sepal opens when the flower blooms. The outer sepal epidermis (see...
All 40 plants of Codex Neapolitanus Graecus, specified in the Apiaceae, provided a mostly documented definition. The genus Seseli L. possesses common properties of Apiaceae, also identified by Dioscorides by post-Linnaean scholars (Evergetis and Haroutounian, 2014) as one of the Apiaceae family...
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