One-off, subscriptions, invoices and instalmentsPowered by bank debit Instant Bank PayIdeal for one-off payments International paymentsCollect from 30+ countries Protect revenue Success+Reduce payment failures Protect+Advanced fraud protection for recurring payments Verified MandatesPayer authentication you can...
国标SEPA认证规范 HPconfidential 17THCECPAND15THSEPAFORCHINAPROCUREMENTPROGRAM PreparedbyFranyYang/HPPPSSEROnlyforreference Regulatoryrequirementcouldbesubjecttochanges/modificationwithoutnoticeandhpisexemptfromanyobligationcausedbythecontentsinslides.REQUIREMENTS–CECPSTANDARDCHOICE –MinimumAllowableValuesofEnergyEfficiency...
A SEPA Direct Debit Mandate is the authorisation given by your customer allowing you to collect future payments from them at any time on their Euro-denominated bank account (subject to advance notice). Each mandate must include certain mandatory legal wording and mandatory information (as specified...
CaptionML=ENU=Show Export File Errors; RunObject=Form 1228; RunFormLink=Journal Template Name=FIELD(Journal Template Name), Journal Batch Name=FIELD(Journal Batch Name) } // End of the added lines. { ID=65; CaptionML=ENU=Void Check; OnPush=BEGIN ... Change the code in Globa...
Change the code in Controls in the Payment Journal form (256) as follows: Existing code 1 ... OnValidate=BEGIN GenJnlManagement.GetAccounts(Rec,AccName,BalAccName); ShowShortcutDimCode(ShortcutDimCode); END; } { 11 ;Label ;0 ;...
replaceSpecialChars($str): replaces all characters that are not allowed in sepa files by a allowed one or removes them. Take a look at this.xls filefor more informationNotice:Cyrillic is not supported yet, but greek letters are. sanitize($field, $input, $flags): tries to sanitize the in...
Any notice which is required to be given pursuant to these Terms shall be made by email or post, in the case of you, to the address provided on your registration form and, in the case of us, to the address posted on the relevant Site or otherwise notified to you in relation to any...
Any notice which is required to be given pursuant to these Terms shall be made by email or post, in the case of you, to the address provided on your registration form and, in the case of us, to the address posted on the relevant Site or otherwise notified to you in relation to any...
In conjunction with publishing the notice of application, the city will install a 2-sided public information sign on the site for projects requiring Design Review. The applicant will pay $230 per sign. EReviewer will contact you prior to final approval to submit of original drawings reduced to...
Ceding Company will determine the Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit for each deceased within seven (7) working days of written notice of death. The guaranteed minimum death benefit will have the meaning described in the attached policy form [ ]. 16 SCHEDULE D Monthly Reinsurance Premium Rates For ...