You can then get a summary of your timesheet: Staging changes : # Thursday 23 january # pingpong (123/456) 1.00 Play ping-pong infra (123/42) 1.00 Repair coffee machine 2.00 Total 2.00 Use `taxi ci` to commit staging changes to the server ...
18178 18178 CVE-2010-2111 - 18179 18179 CVE-2010-2113 - 18180 18180 CVE-2010-2114 - http://cross-site-scripting.blogspot...
We’ve simplified the timesheet and timesheets approval process so you can stay focused on work. Ballpark | | | $12/mo- $99/mo | Stop sending your clients ugly paper invoices. Go paperless today, with Ballpark. | Our beautiful, web-based invoices and ...