The obtained spectra were corrected by blank subtraction (SUV light scattering in titration buffer). Next, the maximum wavelength value (λmax) and the fluorescence ratio 330/370 were calculated to measure the partition coefficient (Kx). Phylogenetic analysis...
Thank you @Adara_Starkiss for your contribution, I made some tests: I installed Steam and forced the compatibility with Proton from Experimental to version 5… The best result I’ve got was the successful load of the game with in 40 timed minutes where I could see only my occator docked...
As a result, the current noise contribution of the OPA4H014-SEP is negligible for any practical source impedance, which makes it the better choice for applications with high source impedance. 方程式 1 shows the calculation of the total circuit noise: EO2 = en2 + inRS 2 + 4kTRS where •...