The near-field potential (NFP) and far-field potential (FFP) distinguish two different manifestations of the volume conducted field (Jewett and Williston, 1971). The NFP represents the propagating action potential as detected when the impulse passes under the pick-up electrodes, whereas the FFP re...
acganstifilecseannt dpymraumseiudms as.n"d LI LI-NA Stayed at Egypt Red Sea Resort #A322 IA"tcauaIlsipsatacprnmeaelldeeiRabtdnrehaaseAytteadNtduahrZyamaAtwnyCttihtbheDayitrAatwYhsDe.tdrrWaaoerylleclineawhlgteiatbdShHryamddatiinrynnbengfoyae,"ahdne HESRtaMyeIdNaIOt ...
short 6nnn stork, Cl@ le Do& is to be pvblisbed Crean iraTomnto wilerwkk aspecial this fall by McCleUand & interest inculturalpdiUcs. CSlreiwticaraLndFrreaedlaioncweritteilreAr MAnDn.eCCmaslbSyl,u also r&cm formerly of St. John's, now lives in Hamilton, Out. Cntb! Y Flddlch ...