Seoul Time=UTC+ 9:00 14:16:52 Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Current local time in South Korea – Seoul. Get Seoul's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Seoul's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Seoul Time NowSeoul time (UTC/GMT+09:00):15:10:40 Sunday, February 9, 2025Country: South Korea Time zone abbreviation: KST Time zone name: Korea Standard Time Time offset: UTC/GMT+09:00 Observe DST: NoSee alsoSouth Korea time Tokyo time Hong Kong time Bangkok time Singapore time Time...
韩国 首尔 当地时间 首页>世界时间 世界时间 (搜索时,可以输入地区的中文或英文名) 读取中... 地区韩国 首尔 Seoul , South Korea 时区UTC/GMT +9 小时 和北京时差早 1 小时 纬度37°35'_北 经度127°03'_东 世界位置
Seoul, South Korea (Korea Time), time zonesKorea Standard Time (KST) is the standard time zone in North and South Korea and is 9 hours ahead of UTC (UTC+9): i.e., when it is midnight (00:00) UTC, it is 9 am (09:00) Korea Standard Time.Current...
Wind: 6 km/h↑from North Location:Seoul / Kimp'O International Airport Current Time:2025年1月17日 (五)7時41分53秒 Latest Report:2025年1月17日 (五)7時00分 Visibility:16 km Pressure:1027 mbar Humidity:93% Dew Point:-7 °C
KST - Korea Standard Time UTC / GMT Offset +9:00 hours during Korea Standard Time, currently in use. Seoul Facts Country South Korea Alternative Names Hanyang, SEL, Seoel, Seol, Seoul, Seoul-si, Seuel, Seul, Seula, Seulas, Seulo, Seulum, Seúl, Seül, Siul, Soeul, Sol, Soul, Sy...
Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 09:00 hour Daylight Saving Time: DST not applied Seoul. Map of location See other cities of Korea, South Korea View travel resources for Seoul DST - Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT - Greenwich Mean Time UTC - Coordinated Universal Time World...
Country:South Korea Latitude:37.5658333333 Longitude:126.9788888889 Time zone:Asia/Seoul Current time zone offset:UTC/GMT +9 hours The current time and date in Seoul is 2:27 PM on Friday, January 17, 2025. Local map of Seoul Related links ...
South Korea, Asia Querying time server... --:--- -- --- --- Time Zone And General Information For Seoul Time zone--- Summer (DST)--- Coordinates37.566535,126.9779692 CountrySouth Korea CurrencyKRW Korea (South) Won LanguageKorean Population...