ご利用企業紹介制度 Amazonギフト券進呈 ご利用に関するお問い合わせ先 月~金 9:00~18:00 (祝祭日を除く) 日本(カスタマーサポートデスク) 〒100-6114 東京都千代田区永田町2-11-1 03-4241-3907 メディア関係者様向け ...
Seojin Automotive的现价与52周高点的百分比值是50.0%. 查看Seojin Automotive Co Ltd的现价与52周高点的百分比值趋势、图表等
Seojin Automotive近十二个月的ebitda减资本支出后的利息覆盖率-5.1x. 查看Seojin Automotive Co Ltd的EBITDA减资本支出后的利息覆盖率趋势、图表等
Seojin Automotive was found in 1966, and they became the expert of transmissions of the internal combustion engine. In 2018, they were selected as an outstanding partner from Hyundai·Kia, and also as an outstanding partner for 3 years in a row from GM, which proves their good quality. ...
一、SEOJINCAMCOLTD投资情况:目前SEOJINCAMCOLTD投资瑞进汽车配件(张家港)有限公司最终收益股份为38%,投资瑞进汽车配件(张家港)有限公司盐城分公司最终收益股份为38%;二、SEOJINCAMCOLTD的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,SEOJINCAMCOLTD目前有3个商业合作伙伴,包括SEOJINAUTOMOTIVECOLTD、李康远、朴明濬等。 财产...
The graph above shows the market trend analysis of seco seojin automotive seco for the past year, which can be used to understand the current supply cycle and business stability of the company from the trend of different dimensions such as quantity, weight, price and number of transactions. ...
Dank unserer Erfahrung und dem aufgebauten Branchen-Know-how bieten wir stets die passende Lösung für eine wirtschaftliche Komponentenfertigung in den Bereichen Automotive und Aerospace sowie Power Generation und Electronics. Partner von der Werkzeugmaschinen- bis zur kompletten Fertigungsautomatisierung...
Apart from electrical drives, hydraulic drives within a controller or distributed over several controllers can be synchronized with each other. This supports the implementation of integrated automation solutions such as conveyor systems and press lines in the automotive industry, in which both electrical ...
一、SEOJINCAMCOLTD投资情况:目前SEOJINCAMCOLTD投资瑞进汽车配件(张家港)有限公司最终收益股份为38%,投资瑞进汽车配件(张家港)有限公司盐城分公司最终收益股份为38%;二、SEOJINCAMCOLTD的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,SEOJINCAMCOLTD目前有3个商业合作伙伴,包括SEOJINAUTOMOTIVECOLTD、李康远、朴明濬等。 财产...