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Expand your channel and make sure your YouTube videos rank within the first page of search results by applying these YouTube SEO tips.
Expand your channel and make sure your YouTube videos rank within the first page of search results by applying these YouTube SEO tips.
youtubecaption Motivation Although there exist some R packages tailored for YouTube API (e.g., ‘tuber’), downloading YouTube video subtitle (i.e., caption) in a tidy form has never been a low-hanging fruit. Using ‘youtube-transcript-api’ Python package under the hood, this R package...
In the text box, enter the tags for how you would like to structure your URL’s. Example: If you setup a category named 'Hosting Reviews' and you want that to be included in your URL structure, here’s what you would put in the text box:/%category%/%postname% ...
接下来,我把导出的视频上传到youtube频道 1.上传视频 进入频道,点击“Create”上传你刚创建好的视频 2.优化视频的SEO标签 视频标题,描述,Tags标签包含关键词。 如果不知道如何填写,可以参考竞争对手。 例如搜索“pdf converter”播放量较多的Youtube视频,模仿复制他们的标题,描述以及Tags标签。 标题和描述比较容...
1.Youtube视频标题优化——植入关键字 2.Youtbe视频描述优化 3.youtbe视频文件命名 4.结合搜索词数据,对已上传的视频进行优化 5.使用youtube视频的字幕功能 6.为你的Youtube视频添加标签 针对Youtube最好的关键词调研工具 工具一:Youtube Studio 工具二:Google 和 Youtube的自动关键字建议 ...
Include relevant tags in the upload settings of each video. 5. Encourage viewers to watch the whole video YouTube likes it when people spend a long time on the site. In fact, watch time is one of the platform’s top metrics, and YouTube hasspoken out about its preference for serving ...
Youtube会检测出视频的观看时间,如果你是标题党,用户看几秒钟立马离开,这就给Youtube一个提示,用户不喜欢你的视频。你视频的排名和推荐程度就大大降低了。 3. 工具 附上一个标题生成工具: https://tagsyoutube.com/generate-youtube-video-title 输入关键词后就会自动生成几条标题: ...
For example, if you are making a video about makeup tutorials then the title description and tags must be optimized for the phrase “makeup tutorial”. So the keyword phrases are a very important part of theYouTube SEO. You must remember that if you are planning to pursue video the sever...