SEO is short for search engine optimization. It is a measurable, repeatable process used to send signals to search engines that your pages are worth appearing in Google’s search results. What is SEM? Search engine marketing, sometimes called SEM, is where you create relevant content on your ...
Add a description.Include a description for each category that makes it clear what the category is about. Use an SEO-friendly slug.Add a short, descriptive URL slug for the category. In most cases, this should be the same as the category name for consistency. 10. Enable Breadcrumbs Breadcru...
Therefore link building is more like traditional public relations. Any SEO firm worth hiring for link-building services should be able to provide samples of high-quality links built for other clients and explain the process of how they were procured. If there's an explicit mention of buying lin...
There is a lot to learn in the SEO world! If you’re new, start at some of the resources below: SEO Basics SEO Blog Learn SEO by Platform Learn SEO by Industry What does an SEO company do? Professional SEO Services Say goodbye to the hassle of DIY SEO and hello to effortless growth...
Shortlist keywords your target audience is most likely to search for and determine thesearch intentfor each. Then, map keywords to content types. Each page on your site—product pages, categories, blog posts, homepage—can rank for different long tail keywords. ...
Pro tip:Longer titles tend to perform worse than videos with short and clear titles. This is not a rule of thumb, but it is highly advisable. 3. Optimize your video description. As important as the title, the video description describes your content in detail. The good news is that you...
The reality is outsourcing SEO takes different forms and depends on your business needs. So, when should you consider outsourcing SEO? There are two main reasons: The first is urgency –If you need a project delivered within a short timeframe, outsourcing SEO is usually the best option because...
Focus on quality and prioritize providing value over shortcuts. Turn to trusted resources like reputable SEO blogs or experts when you need help or advice. Monitoring and Measuring Your SEO Efforts Implementing SEO strategies is just the beginning. To make sure your efforts are paying off, you ...
As a bonus, you can take a short test and get a free SEO certificate! Chapter 1 SEO basics Before we dive into specific techniques and aspects of SEO, let’s cover the basic definitions, vocabulary and frequently asked questions. Are you ready? Let’s start! Chapter navigation What is ...
When setup is complete, you’ll see the result of your first scan. Each number represents your ranking position for the given keyword and search location. (You can change your keyword selection using the drop-down menu at the top.)