您可以做的(在第一次发布博客文章之前)手动更改永久链接 (URL) 并删除一些单词。 例如,这篇博文的默认 URL 是/how-to-write-SEO-friendly-blog-posts-step-by-step-process/但我已将其更改为 /seo-friendly-blogposts/。 有一些研究证实了这一点,但正如谷歌多次指出的那样,您的 URL 格式本身并不是一个重要...
When you think about Google and why it chooses to rank the pages it ranks, you should always think about LINKS. Every time someone links to your site, Google thinks of that as one person “voting” for you and as a credible source that your website or blog is about what yousayit’s...
副标题 (slogan), WordPress 中称为 tagline. 它与博客标题不一样, 可能会承载一些描述博客的文字, 优化一下可以利用起来. 如我的副标题是 “mg12′s Blog – Just Another WordPress Blog”, 其中的 WordPress Blog 被我设置为 h1. 因为我想告诉爬虫, 这是一个关于 WordPress 的博客. 区分显示页面标题 页...
For example, if your business sold dog products like Earth Rated does, you might search for a broad keyword phrase like “dog chew toys,” then identify long-tail keywords to write blog posts about, like “what are dog chew toys made of.” 2. Gut check the topic with your business goa...
When it comes toacquiring backlinks, long-form contentsignificantly outperforms short blog posts and articles, but while it can help you crack the first page, it won’t help you rank higher once you get there. Image source:Backlinko
For example, if your business sold dog products like Earth Rated does, you might search for a broad keyword phrase like “dog chew toys,” then identify long-tail keywords to write blog posts about, like “what are dog chew toys made of.” 2. Gut check the topic with your business goa...
5 Powerful SEO Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts
Blind Five Year Oldis an online marketing firm that specializes insearch engine marketing, and their blog has a core focus on exploring the way Google’s search algorithms work. The blog posts are often comprehensive and written in an essay format, with plenty of examples given to back up al...
More important, do you need a blog? The main concern: Time vs Value It’s true that a blog requires time and effort. It takes a certain level of dedication to write new blog posts on a regular basis. While opinions differ on how often you should write a new post, I typically recomme...
为什么Blog SEO很重要? 搜索引擎是博客的重要流量来源。 实际上,最近对1000多个博客的研究发现:SEO是其第二大最重要的流量来源(排名第一是社交媒体浏量)。 我们自己的博客就是一个很好的实例。当然,我们从Twitter、LinkedIn、电子邮件和直接访问中获得了大量流量。这些流量来源构成了我们每月流量的大部分。