A sentry safe manual is crucial as it carries the 5- digit factory code. This code is unique to every safe and cannot be changed. As a result, if you have misplaced the manual, it means you may not be able to reset your user code in the future. However, one can get their factor...
- feat(combo-box): Make it feel more like a select (#69087) by @ArthurKnaus - chore(replay): add ff for enabling network tab for mobile replays (#69166) by @michellewzhang - ref(replay): Cleanup old session-replay-trace-table experiment (backend) (#68822) by @ryan953 - feat...
使用组件通过渲染属性提供的 resetError() API 重置时,fallback UI 会返回到标准组件状态。 复制 import Reactfrom"react";import *asSentryfrom"@sentry/react";class App extends React.Component {constructor(props) {super(props);this.state = {message:"This is my app",};}render() {return(<Sentry.E...
使用组件通过渲染属性提供的resetError() API重置时,fallback UI会返回到标准组件状态。 importReactfrom"react";import*asSentryfrom"@sentry/react";classAppextendsReact.Component{constructor(props) {super(props);this.state= {message:"This is my app", }; }render() {return(<Sentry.ErrorBoundaryfallback...
下面是一个示例,其中使用渲染属性方法的fallback属性用于在错误时显示fallback UI。使用组件通过渲染属性提供的resetError() API重置时,fallback UI会返回到标准组件状态。 import React from "react"; import * as Sentry from "@sentry/react"; class App extends React.Component { ...