内容源于:https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/javascript/guides/vue/ 系列 1 分钟快速使用 Docker 上手最新版 Sentry-CLI - 创建版本 快速使用 Docker 上手 Sentry-CLI - 30 秒上手 Source Maps
this button sets an Objectasa message,nota string. */}{/* which will cause an errortooccurinthe component tree */} this.setState({ message: { text:"Hello World"} })}>Click heretochange message!</Sentry.ErrorBoundary>);
安装@sentry/integrations包,并提供一个带有你配置到integrations选项的新实例。加载SDK之后,包括插件。 示例: import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser"; import { ReportingObserver as ReportingObserverIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations"; Sentry.init({ dsn: "https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentr...
- fix(integrations) Make social auth user update silo safe (#62092) by @markstory - fix(hybridcloud) Return early when we can't find organizations (#62126) by @markstory - profiling: test idle callback finish strategy (#62171) by @JonasBa - Revert "test(backup): Remove @targets...
Resetting the Combination on a Fire Safe Download Article 1 Enter the factory code to open the door. Whenever you change your Sentry Safe’s combination, or user code, open up the door. This prevents you from getting locked out of your safe before you reset the code. So, enter the ...
Click here to change message!</Sentry.ErrorBoundary>); } }exportdefaultApp; 使用多个错误边界 (5.20.0 及以上版本可用) 当使用多个错误边界时,我们建议使用beforeCapture设置标签/上下文(tags/context),以便您可以知道错误发生在哪个错误边界。 在下面的示例中,我们根据错误渲染的路径将标记(tag)附加到错误(error...
Sentry的React SDK支持自动报告错误和异常。SDK是@sentry/browser的包装器,增加了与React相关的功能。@sentry/browser中可用的所有方法都可以从@sentry/react中导入。 安装 Sentry通过在应用程序runtime使用SDK捕获数据。 # 使用 npm npm install --save @sentry/react @sentry/tracing ...