Leer, escuchar, sentir y pensar el dolor: reflexiones a partir de la experiencia investigando femicidios en Costa Ricadoi:10.1344/CLIVATGE2023.11.2GENDER-based violenceFEMICIDEJUSTICEVIOLENCE against womenSTATISTICSFEMINISMIn the last two decades we have seen the emergence of a...
Dolor y política. Sentir, pensar y hablar desde el feminismodoi:10.5354/2735-7473.2023.73469FEMINISMNONVIOLENCEDISCONTENTEMOTIONSNEOLIBERALISMGENDER identityThe article analyzes Marta Lamas' book "Pain and Politics," which seeks to understand feminist political practices based ...
Pensar la Educación desde los derechos: Derecho a la igualdad, a disentir y al afectodoi:10.35756/educaumch.202423.308RIGHT & left (Political science)WELFARE stateCAPITALISMCONSERVATISMECOSYSTEMSThe objectives of this brief work are linked to discussing, exposing ...
Arte ecosocial. Otras maneras de pensar, hacer y sentirdoi:10.5209/aris.82079CULTURAL propertyWARNINGSThe article titled "Ecosocial Art. Other ways of thinking, doing, and feeling" is a review of a book that questions the capitalist cultural heritage and proposes a new way of inhabiting...