Protect your dog from heartworm disease, intestinal parasites, and flea population with SENTINEL SPECTRUM Chews and SENTINEL FLAVOR TABS.
SENTINEL SPECTRUM® CHEWS (milbemycin oxime/lufenuron/praziquantel) Learn More SENTINEL® FLAVOR TABS® (milbemycin oxime/lufenuron) Learn More Parasites: Invisible, But Not Invincible For parasites that go unseen, protection happens behind the scenes. They’re out there. They’re all around ...
There are two Sentinel products for fleas and heartworms in dogs: Sentinel Flavor Tabs and Sentinel Spectrum Chews. Both of these products contain milbemycin and lufenuron. Milbemycin is a macrolide antiparasitic used for heartworm prevention and for the removal and control of roundworms, hookworms,...
BRAVECTO® product line, which are our extended duration flea and tick protection products, and the SENTINEL branded products, which control all common intestinal parasites, provide an attractive opportunity for broad-spectrum, year-round comprehensive internal and external parasite protection for dogs....