Sentinel_LDK_SDK_7.6 v7.6 圣天诺 LDK Windows/Mac osX/Linux 2022-06-10 18:02:42 Sentinel-LDK_SDK7.8 v7.8 圣天诺 LDK Windows/Mac osX/Linux 2022-06-10 17:40:16 Sentinel_LDK_SDK_7.1.0 v7.1.0 圣天诺 LDK Windows/Mac osX/Linux
圣天诺LDK 驱动名称 版本 产品 操作系统 发布日程 圣天诺LDK驱动V7.81(图形界面方式) V7.81 圣天诺LDK Windows (支持Windows 10) 2018-07-23 圣天诺LDK驱动V7.81(命令行方式) V7.81 圣天诺LDK Windows (支持Windows 10) 2018-07-23 圣天诺LDK驱动V7.80中文语言包 ...
(SM-907) Sentinel LDK Vendor Tools fail to load. An error message is displayed, stating that a DLL, LIB, COM, or EXE file is not designed to run on Windows or that the DLL contains an error. For example: Workaround A: Do the following to add a policy for the Sentinel LDK Vendor ...
quick starter kit入门套件5sentinelldk快速指南恭喜您选择.pdf,套件 Sentinel LDK -快速 指南 选择 Sentinel LDK 来保护您的软件。此快速 演示了如何使用 Sentinel.HL.key 通过 Sent inel LDK 自动 Envelope 应用程序来保护您的 Windows 程序是多么快速、轻松。 如果您想了
I use a HASP key for unlocking software for a specific software I use for work. But less than a month ago there was a Windows 10 update that made the HASP key stop working. It also doesn't work on my new Windows 11 laptop. The company who makes the keys
Sentinel LDK Envelope for Windows Platforms Java Ref 11043 91963 (CASE 20) Issue To protect JAR files using Sentinel LDK Envelope on Windows 2008 Server 64-bit computers, you must have the Win32 Java Run-time Environment (JRE) installed, even if you already have the Windows x64 JRE installe...
1.Download your vendor library usingSentinel LDK Master Wizard. Copy your vendor library to the same folder that containsdocker-compose.yml. For example, for vendor ID 37517, copyhaspvlib_x86_64_37517.soto the folder. 2.Set up thedocker-compose.ymlfile with contents similar to the following...
2.1.10.LicenseSecuritySettings FieldDescription EnSL-UserModeSelectingthisoptionimprovessecuritylevelofSL-UserModekeys. formatv2.0Thisoptionisselectedbydefault. However,youcanclearthischeckboxtodisablethesecurity enhancementsofSL-UserModeforcompatibilitywithV2Cfilesthat weregeneratedusingversionsofSentinelLDKearlierthan...
However, the function appears in the Help system for Sentinel LDK ToolBox, and the function is supported by the Admin API. Sentinel LDK Envelope for Windows Platforms General Reference 92503 93877 178432 Issue If you move an Envelope project file from its original location to a different ...