Recommended for dogs and puppies 26-50lbs. NOVARTIS ANIMAL HEALTH Sentinel® flavor tabs® (milbemycin oxime • lufenuron) Once-a-month flavored tablets 6 PACK Prevents Heartworm Disease and Flea Populations in Dogs and Puppies Also controls flea populations, adult hookworm infections, remo...
Sentinel for Dogs - milbemycin oxime|lufenuron - 51-100 lbs (1 flavored tablet) - [Heartworm Prevention] and other products can be found at EntirelyPets Rx, the #1 source for fulfilling all of your pet needs. Free Shipping over $59!
To assess the role of single-photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography (SPECT-CT) for the identification of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) in patients with early stage (T1–T2) oral cancer and a clinically negative neck (cN0). In addition to planar lymphoscintigraphy, SPECT-CT...
今天美国媒体统计了已援乌的56亿美元武器明细:包括126门M777榴弹炮、26万发炮弹。120辆牵引车和20辆辅助车。4辆海马斯火箭炮与若干炮弹。700架弹簧刀自杀式轻型无人机。121套凤凰幽灵自杀式轻型无人机。200辆M113装甲车和数百辆高机动多用途轮式装甲车。20 架 Mi-17 军用直升机(钱是阿富汗给的)。22 套高度机动...