Launch date: September 5, 2024 Source: European Space Agency (ESA) Launch site: FRENCH GUIANA (FRGUI) SENTINEL-2 is an Earth observation mission from the Copernicus Programme that acquires optical imagery at high spatial resolution (10 m to 60 m) over land and coastal waters. The mission ...
Launch Date June 23, 2015 Vehicle Vega Spacecraft Each of the SENTINEL-2 satellites weighs approximately 1.2 tonnes, and is designed to be compatible with small launchers like VEGA and ROCKOT. Lifespan is 7.25 years, which includes a 3 month in-orbit commissioning phase. Batteries and propellan...
Designed and constructed by Airbus Defense and Space (ADS), the Sentinel-2B satellite is based on the AstroBus-L platform. It has a launch mass of 1,130kg and dimensions of 3.3m x 2.3m x 1.7m. The designed lifespan of the satellite is seven years and three months. It also includes ...
Launch dateFebruary 11, 2013June 23, 2015March 7, 2017 Nominal equatorial crossing time10:00 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m. Spatial resolution 30 m (OLI)/100 m (TIRS) 10 m/20 m/60 m (see spectral bands) Swath/field of view 180 km/15° 290 km/20.6° Spectr...
Since approximately 10 days, I have this error whichs occurs regularly but quite randomly when I launch the same script I always do : Traceback (most recent call last): File "<ipython-input-2-961ca4d497c3>", line 45, in download_aws_tile_L2A_basic tile_request = AwsTileRequest( File...
2017), annual (Hansen et al., 2013; Hermosilla et al., 2015; Vancutsem et al., 2021), sub-annual (Zhu et al., 2012), 8-16 day (Pasquarella et al., 2017; Ye et al., 2021a), and owing to the launch of Sentinel-2 and the creation of harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 data ca...
Every night, we launch a Travis CI job that: Checks out the Jekyll source for Updates copies of various data sources held elsewhere. Analyses that data into aggregated forms. Add this updated, aggregated data to the sources and data folders. Commits the cha...
综合ems v配置指南iisentinel configuration.pdf,ii Sentinel EMS Configuration Guide Revision History Part Number 007-011160-001, Revision G. Software versions 7.3 and later. Revision Action/Change Date A Initial release - 2.1.0. December 2011 B Updated fo
Constellation 2 identical satellites (S-2A / S-2B) B1/Coastal aerosol 0.433–0.453 60 Free flyer No *B2/Blue (B) 0.458–0.523 10 Launch date 2015 (S-2A) & 2017 (S-2B) B3/Green (G) 0.543–0.578 10 Number of bands 13 *B4/Red (R) 0.650–0.680 10 Operator European Space Agency ...
Here, Sentinel-2, using 12 spectral bands at 10 m resolution (low spatial resolution bands resampled to 10 m), allowed free access to 7 years of atmospherically corrected imagery, with a revisit time of 3–5 days since the launch of S2B to complement S2A in 2017, meaning seasonal va...