打开解压缩的Process_Sentinel_1_SAR_Data文件夹,然后双击Process_Sentinel_1_SAR_Data.aprx以在ArcGIS Pro中打开该工程。 如果出现提示,请使用授权用户账户登录到您的 ArcGIS 组织账户或ArcGIS Enterprise。 注: 如果您没有ArcGIS Pro的访问权限或者 ArcGIS 组织帐户,请参阅软件访问权限选项。
引文格式:Adugna M ,Andreas V ,Christelle O , et al.Sentinel-1SAR Backscatter Analysis Ready Data Preparation in Google Earth Engine[J].Remote Sensing,2021,13(10):1954-1954. 基于GEE的Sentinel-1 SAR后向散射分析数据准备 摘要: Sentinel -1卫星提供时间密集、空间分辨率高的合成孔径雷达(SAR )影像。
哨兵1号(Sentinel-1)卫星是欧洲航天局哥白尼计划(GMES)中的地球观测卫星,由两颗卫星组成,载有C波段合成孔径雷达,可提供连续图像(白天、夜晚和各种天气)。据我所知,Sentinel-1是目前唯一一个免费的SAR数据源。 目前可免费下载Sentinel-1雷达数据Level-0 和 Level-1级别存档数据。可以下载产品接受模式包括: Strip Ma...
Application of Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Detecting a Nuclear Test Location in North KoreaSentinel-1 C-band radar data were applied for the first time to determine a nuclear test, its underground H-bomb explosion location and the affected zone in North Korea on September 3, 2017. The nuclear ...
合成孔径雷达(SAR) 它们是电子设备,可以以高空间精度对物体或环境的电磁反射率进行成像。为了克服传统雷达的局限性,已经实施了开放合成原理。这是基于分析当改变测量位置时物体反射的信号的相位变化。信号处理技术可以以更高的分辨率将物体的响应聚焦在双向平面上,因此数量级首先是十进制,然后是公制和十进制。它们广泛用...
关键词:TOPS 配准 相干性 Sentinel-1 SAR 增强谱分集 Time-series co-registration for Sentinel-1 TOPS SAR Data Abstract: TOPS mode is the default imaging mode of Sentinel-1 satellites, which requires an overall azimuth co-registration accuracy of 0.001 pixels to ensure that the interferometric phase...
文基于鄱阳湖2020年6-8月的Sentinel-1SAR卫星数据,分别利用Otsu全局阈值法、面向对象法和U-Net网络对SAR影像进行洪水监测及识别,通过对比各方法水体提取结果,以期得到精度最高的水体识别结果,并最终对鄱阳湖洪水淹没范围时空分布信息进行分析。*收稿日期:2021-04-15修回日期:2021-06-25 基金项目:国家重点研发计划...
, 孔庆玲1,2, 王鹏新1,2, , 王蕾1,2, 荀兰1,2 1. 中国农业大学,北京 100083 2. 农业部农业灾害遥感重点实验室,北京 100083 Monitoring of maize planting area based on time-series Sentinel-1A SAR data LILi1,2, , KONGQingling1,2, WANGPengxin1,2, ...
Xu L, Zhang H, Wang C, Zhang B, Liu M (2019) Crop classification based on temporal information using sentinel-1 SAR time-series data. Remote Sensing 11(1):53 Article Google Scholar Congalton RG, Green K (1999) Assessing the accuracy of remotely sensed data: principles and practices. ...
SARKaziranga National ParkSentinel-1Satellite-based flood assessment for extent and severity is very crucial input before, during, and after a flood event has occurred. Though optical remote sensing data has been widely used for flood hazard mapping, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is preferred...