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Sentimental Death Loop 多愁善感死亡轮回逃离绝望轮回冒险类游戏。调查房间内部,运用获得的提示及道具解密,解除陷阱,寻找逃脱机会。透过不断重复穿越时空改变未来,逃出死亡轮回。依据行动迎向各式各样的结局。 L大隐于世_的微博视频 ...
多愁善感死亡轮回多愁善感死亡輪回 / 多愁善感死亡輪迴Sentimental Death Loop qureate,IXILL LLC 2023-07-06 - . -- . - 独立 中文 0想玩0在玩2玩过8已购买1在关注 列表贡献点评举报 暂无评分 - . - 评论数不足 在好友家享受片刻的悠闲时光,怎料好友却突然性情大变夺取玩家性命。甚至还一而再,再而...
NameSuzuka Hayami Other Names速水 涼楓 Wealth RoleMain Character Primary AssignmentSentimental Death Loop Media Typevisual novel Voiced BySatsumi Matsuda, 松田颯水, ますだ さつだ Tagsponytail,sweater,glasses Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations ...
多愁善感死亡轮回 センチメンタルデスループ 在好友家享受片刻的悠闲时光,怎料好友却突然(xing)情...
Joon, who wavers between rational alertness and hyper-anxious loopiness, spends much of her time painting goopy expressionist canvases. When Sam, a cousin of one of Benny’s friend, becomes their housemate as the result of a poker bet, we’re primed for a heartwarming communion. Sam and ...