English Definitiontoexaggerate; tooverstatethefacts Simplified Script言过其实 Traditional Script言過其實 Sample Sentences 新闻界言过其实的种种报道并没有愚弄得了公众。 The public were not fooled by all the hype the press gave the event. 虽然他大谈帮助人家,但总有些言过其实。
Sometimes when writing about Oscar I lie or exaggerate or downplay things that he has done, but Gaby crosses these bits out. In this version the reader has to hold the opening “[s]ometimes” in their mind for 5 words before they can bind it to “lie or exaggerate”, which is the ...
(tochangethewordorder, thesentencedoesn'tchange.) Notmuch,butthereishope.(todoublenegative) Thequestionisnotyetclear,butthereisaclue.(todouble negative) Theweatherissohotthatpeoplecan'tbearit.(tosay hyperbole.) Thesocietyofthefuturemaynotbea"plural"society.(to besure) Myheart,stayintheblueskyof...
In this part of the world, flu viruses appear to thrive in the months from November to April. We will take this opportunity to look at a few Chinese words associated with the ENT (Ear Nose Throat) department, namely 耳鼻喉科 (ěrbí hóu kē). The Chinese word for ears is 耳朵 (ěr...