eloquent意为“雄辩的,有说服力的”,强调对别人的影响,符合题意。elegant意为 “优雅,文雅”,指本身很美。evil意为“邪恶的,坏的”,此词可与words搭配,但人们不会因他的邪恶话而给他钱,不合逻辑。excessive意为“过分的,过多的”,指超出了合理或必须的范围。四个词义相差很远,根据含义和语境,B为最佳答案。
s below. Excuse me, Mr Host, but can we the formalities and get right down to business? 选词填空: interact dialect exclude influential cite foster realm obstacle drown forego stature 暂无答案
Also, consider how important the original wording is. If theword choiceor phrasing of the source adds to its meaning, as in poetry or eloquent writing, you can opt to use aquoteinstead of a paraphrase. Quotations let you copy the original wording exactly by placing the text insidequotation ...
Each writer's art is the formation of voice and technique over time. The more we write, the more we find and reveal thoughts and words connected only as we might convey them. The more we study and apply the principles for shaping good writing, the more eloquent and precise we can become...
(This is a sentence fragment with an incomplete thought.) The Value of Knowing Complex Sentence Structures Understanding complex sentences is good for a couple of reasons. The first is to simply have a better understanding how English is organized for precise and eloquent writing. The more you ...
When we speak, it’s a bit different story. Unless you’re a very eloquent foreign English speaker, your speech will be quite different from a written piece of text. Well, I’ve always held the opinion that thebest way to write is to actually speakabout the subject aloud and put it ...
Thespeakerwaseloquent. Utterancen.;Express;speak;speak 4.His,silvery,tongue,began,to,wag. Histonguebegantowag. Silverytongueskilledindebate. 5.Poetry,flows,spontaneous,to,her,lips. Shesaid. 6.He,made,a,speech,straight,off,the,reel,without, stumbling,,over,a,word. Heisnotamealtotalkrapidly,...
Simple Sentences ☺I was wondering if you are hiring at this time. Are you hiring now?☺As a matter of fact, we have an opening for a receptionist.☺Where do you fit into the company structure? The head of sales.☺How did you make out with your colleagues? I’m getting ...
2.Therightsubject What’swrongwiththefollowingsentence?Towritetheproposal,researchmustbedone.悬垂修饰语(DanglingModifiers)悬垂修饰语是与句子的主语不能构成逻辑关系的修饰语。悬垂修饰语可以出现在句中的任意位置,但大多在句首。(正)Towritetheproposal,theprofessormustfirstdosomeresearch.1)悬垂分词(Dangling...
(2010-08-09), reprinted labels: authentic American English, good eloquence bilingual, New Oriental Education categories: spoken language Eloquent people have strong interpersonal skills, in social competition and real life in an active position; with confidence, elegance and connotation, showing an ...