A sentence, whether short or long, must express a complete idea; and a complete sentence must consist of at least one independent clause—that is, a subject and predicate that make a complete thought. Independent clauses are so called because they make sense when they stand on their own. ...
Other fragmen are just sub颗粒ious, with the main clause missing. However, a complete sentence must have at least a subject and a predicate, and convey a complete thought. It can stand alone and makes sense — it is independent. In speech and writing of an informal style, we do ...
What punctuation mark is associated with exclamatory sentences? What emotions do exclamatory sentences often convey? Refer back to this lesson if you get stuck on any of these questions. Subject and Predicate This lesson briefly mentioned exclamatory sentences with subjects and simple predicates. Do ...
We’ll build a sentence and you guess the subject and predicate. Ready? Go! 1. He reads. Answer: This is pretty simple, as there are only two words. The subject is he, and the predicate is reads. Can you still identify the subject and predicate with more words? 2. He reads the ...
I disapproved of his study habits, and I told him so. This example sentence has two independent clauses. An independent clause is a group of words that could make a complete sentence. Let's study the sentence closely. The sentence ...
Complete Sentence: Subject and Predicate A complete sentence is a sentence that has a subject and a predicate. What Is a Subject? The subject of a sentence is what, or whom is performing the verb (action) in the sentence. The subject is most often a noun or pronoun. What Is a Pred...
The complete predicate of the sentence is underlined. As you see, it includes not only the verb “went,” but “to the county fair” as well, because those words all tell about what is happening in the sentence. i. Clause Aclauseis a set of words containing a subject and a predicate...
Try this fun Roll a Sentence activity with free printables included!文末可直接领取该资源ALuv {currently end of Kindergarten 大班小朋友 } and I have been working just a bit on making complete sentences {requiring only a subje...
Whatisasentence?Sentence—agroupofwordsthatweusetoexpressacompletethought Isitasentence?InHangzhou,havealotoftouristattractions.False TherearealotoftouristattractionsinHangzhou.True Thepartsofasentence:subject,predicate,object,complement,predicative,adverbial,attribute 1.Subjectandpredicate Everycompletesentencecontains...