criminal law - the body of law dealing with crimes and their punishment 3. sentence - the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned; "he served a prison term of 15 months"; "his sentence was 5 to 10 years"; "he is doing time in the county jail" prison term, time term - a limited...
I love to play with mydog. The name of this monkey isBoo. Pacific Oceanis very vast. All the things in the world of nouns fall into two classes: All Types of Nouns Proper Noun Names of people or places such as your name, your friend’s name, your parents’ name or the name of ...
thepredicateverbofasentencehastoagreewiththesubjectinpersonandnumber.1)Collectivenounslikefamilyandaudiencemaybeneithersingularorplural,dependingonthemeaninginwhichtheyareused.2)Words,likenewsandnamesofbranchesoflearning,areuncountable,andthereforearealwayssingular;somewords,likepeopleandpolice,alwaysplural. ...
Hint: Common nouns are nouns we use for common things such as rat, cat, garden, bees, etc. Proper nouns are names of things such as Taj Mahal, Motorola, etc. Collective nouns are nouns given to a collective group of things such as a pack of cigarettes, a bunc...
a10 3AgreementBetweenSubjectand PredicateVerb thepredicateverbofasentencehastoagreewiththe subjectinpersonandnumber. 1)Collectivenounslikefamilyandaudiencemaybe neithersingularorplural,dependingonthe meaninginwhichtheyareused. 2)Words,likenewsandnamesofbranchesof learning,areuncountable,andthereforearealways ...
Now, try doing the same with the sentences given below. 1. It was very strange. 2. I love you. 3. You have made a big mess. 4. The baby is so adorable. 5. I miss college. 6. You have really big eyes. 7. That is good news. ...
Collectivenounslikefamilyandaudiencemaybeneithersingularorplural,dependingonthemeaninginwhichtheyareused. 3)Whentwosubjectsrefertodifferentpersonsoraredifferentinnumber,theverbshouldagreewiththesubjectclosetoit. 4)Wordstogetherwith,inadditionto,besides,etc.,areobjectsofprepositions;theydonotaffectthenumberofthesubject...
, the interrogative sentence will begin with the helping verb followed by the noun / pronoun that acts as the subject and then the main verb in the actual tense of the sentence. example 1: anu is working from home. isn’t anu working from home? example 2: manu will not be coming to...
'become'. For example "The words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life." (John 6:63b). Notice here that the noun 'words' is equated with the nouns 'spirit' and 'life' by the linking verb 'are'. It could be said that 'words' are equal to 'spirit' and to '...
collective humanknowledge around us but also considerably helps coreference resolution systems with the pronoun disam-biguation process.1 Introduction“Midnight, not a sound from the pavement... Hasthe moon lost her memory...” We start this sectionwith the initial lyrics of Memory 1 , a famous...