Some collective nouns are used to name a group of animals and birds. Aflockof sheep. Aherdof cattle. Astudof horses. Agaggleof geese. Alitterof cubs. Aflockof birds. Ashoalof fish. Apackof wolves. Aswarmof bees. Some collective nouns define a group of people. ...
1)Collectivenounslikefamilyandaudiencemaybe neithersingularorplural,dependingonthe meaninginwhichtheyareused. 2)Words,likenewsandnamesofbranchesof learning,areuncountable,andthereforearealways singular;somewords,likepeopleandpolice,always plural. a11 3)Whentwosubjectsrefertodifferentpersonsor aredifferentinnumber,...
Point out the nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are Common, Proper, Collective or Abstract.This room is thirty feet in length.a. room - Common, feet - Properb. room - Proper, length - Commonc. room - Common, feet - Common, length ...
thepredicateverbofasentencehastoagreewiththesubjectinpersonandnumber.1)Collectivenounslikefamilyandaudiencemaybeneithersingularorplural,dependingonthemeaninginwhichtheyareused.2)Words,likenewsandnamesofbranchesoflearning,areuncountable,andthereforearealwayssingular;somewords,likepeopleandpolice,alwaysplural. ...
Points to Remember When Using Exclamatory Sentences To be able to form and use exclamatory sentences, you should keep a few points in mind. They are as follows: Exclamatory sentences can make use ofinterjections. When you use interjections, there are two ways in which you can punctuate the ...
you will have to change the infinitive/participle phrase into a dependent clause using a subordinating conjunction while the rest of the simple sentence remains the same. to convert a compound sentence into a complex sentence, you will just need to convert one clause into a dependent clause with...
commonsense and reasoning abilities like those found in hu-mans. However, one problem these systems face with modern English is the lack of gender pronouns, wherepeople try to alternate by using masculine, feminine, or plural to avoid the whole issue. Since humanity aimsto the building of ...
Exercise 2: Correct sentences using appropriate punctuation Punctuate the following sentences and capitalise where necessary. alas my cat died yesterday did you know penny topped her exam the bus driver saved the passengers from an accident ouch that is very hot ...