This diminution of news might be a way for Facebook to walk away from the public sphere—or, at least, appear to walk away—at a time when it has been taken to task for its overweening influence there. — Eric Klinenberg, The New York Review of Books, 18 Apr. 2019 Racial caste in...
But our humanity is under our influence, and how we spend the moments doled out to us are ours to manage, to spend and to embrace. Daily choices about our health, our happiness and our passions - we can abdicate our responsibility to champion through each of those with courage and ...
Milton’s radical, republican politics and heretical religious views, coupled with the perceived artificiality of his complicated Latinate verse, alienated Eliot and other readers; yet by dint of the overriding influence of his poetry and personality on subsequen...
Every cluster might have some amount of noise sentences inside. For eliminating their influence on quality estimation, only the words having relatively high frequencies in the sentence clusters are considered in the estimation process. Criterion1=1|𝑇𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑠|∑𝑡∈𝑇𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑐...
The influence of chunking on reading comprehension: Investigating the acquisition of chunking skill. J. Asia TEFL 2013, 10, 163–183. [Google Scholar] Krishnamurthy, R. Language as chunks, not words. In Proceedings of the JALT2002 Conference Proceedings: Waves of the Future; Swanson, M., ...
A geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization; A sphere of influence; A group of related items, topics, or subjects; The set of all possible mathematical entities (points) where a given function is defined; An open and connected set in some topology. ... (Domain...
Sentence Drills英文学习资料.pdf,Sentence Drills Exercise1 1. Rather, the coincidence of increased United States government antidiscrimination pressure in the mid- 1960s with the acceleration in the rate of black economic progress beginning in 1965 argues
The Survival of Soap Opera: Transformations for a New Media Era 81 Perspective Scholar Horace Newcomb on the Pleasures and Influence of Soaps Based on an Interview by Sam Ford Horace Newcomb is professor of telecommunications in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the Universit...
I would like to be Jupiter, and lie down in the firmament and make love to everybody. —Roberto Benigni Sacred scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth. —Martin Luther The firmament of the Bible is ablaze with answers to prayer. —Theodore L....
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