(2)informal to ask for a free ride from the drivers of passing cars by putting your hat out with your thumb raised.求得免费搭车。免费搭车者我们就说:hitchhiker. Wagon, a strong vehicle with four wheels, used for carrying heavy loads and usually pulled by horse; a large open container pul...
The first citation is from a 1587 religious book by Philippe de Mornay (tr. Philip Sidney & Arthur Golding): ‘The skilfull can work much upon little, and by his cunning ouercome the awknesse of his stuffe.’ The citations continue till 1674, with the word also spelled awknesse, awk...
In any case, the resulting advice interests me both professionally – I’m a freelance copy-editor with a background in science – and personally, as someone who strives to write better but is leery of much of what passes for writing punditry. A lot of what McCarthy and co. say is sen...
What does it mean to feign something? 1a :to give a false appearance of: induce as a false impression feign death. b : to assert as if true : pretend He feigned that he was not feeling well so that he could leave the party early. 2 archaic. Is it bad to be fastidious? Fastidious...
The first citation is from a 1587 religious book by Philippe de Mornay (tr. Philip Sidney & Arthur Golding): ‘The skilfull can work much upon little, and by his cunning ouercome the awknesse of his stuffe.’ The citations continue till 1674, with the word also spelledawknesse,awknes...
Its meaning is related to complete, with which it shares the first six letters – including that ‘e’ in the middle, which is our next mnemonic. Macmillan Dictionary’s entry for the verb, sense 1, has the sample line: ‘The plants are chosen to complement each other’, and for sense...
At first I visualized Parker, the protagonist, walking towards the building along the walls or edges, as cats often do. Butcatty-corner, as you may well know, means ‘diagonally’, and it has nothing to do with cats – at least not originally. ...