This sentence is not parallel because the grammatical formation of the things you like to do are not the same. We need to make the structure of the words agree with each other. I like to run, to eat, and to jump. (Parallel). OR I like to run, eat, and jump. (Parallel). ...
Sentence Structure Lesson Plan for Elementary School Types of Sentences Exercises Predicate Lesson Plan for Elementary School Create an account to start this course today Used by over 30 million students worldwide Create an account Explore our library of over 88,000 lessons Search Browse Browse ...
Exercises for Sentences Revise the following sentences according to the requirement. 1.The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways. (periodicsentence ) 2.If you sit by the window facing the sun on a sunny winter day, you may feel nice and warm. (loose ...
By substituting "cold" with "frigid" and "unpleasant" with "disagreeable," we have created a more sophisticated and nuanced rephrasing. 2. Embrace Parallel Structure: Parallel structure, also known as parallelism, involves using similar grammatical structures for related ideas. This technique...
To make these handouts even more accessible, there are numerous resources available that offer free sentence structure worksheets. These materials can be found online or obtained from educational websites. They provide educators with ready-made exercises and examples, saving valuable time and effort. ...
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Whether they know it or not, students usedeclarative sentencesall the time. Before diving into the exercises, it can be helpful to provide your students with a brief review. Lesson Course 10Kviews Conversation Hand-off This activity can be challenging, but it's also a ton of fun. To begin...