malign, malnourished, malodorous, malpractice);-VOLENT源自拉丁语词volens,volens意为willing, permitting, ready, favorable(benevolent),malevolent意为“有恶意的,坏心肠的,恶毒的,幸灾乐祸的”,如:It’s a story of a malevolent ghost.(这是个恶鬼的故事。) ...
After 1850, however, the expansion of foods more regularly kept pace with population growth, though the poorer classes remained malnourished. Two developments were crucial. First, the application of science and new technology to agriculture increased. Led by German universities, increasing research was...
HanHong:sogoodsound,butitcanrelyonthecreationof exhaustion,gossipmixedsound. JeffChang:"lovesongPrince"isold,cannotbecomeaking, thenewprincesareupagain,justlikeCharles. StefanieSun:it'salwayslikeamouthfulofphlegminyour throat. DaoLang:thebiggestsadnessofthewholeChinesemusicfield ...
After 1850, however, the expansion of foods more regularly kept pace with population growth, though the poorer classes remained malnourished.Two developments were crucial.First, the application of science and new technology to agriculture increased.Led by German universities, increasing research was devot...