The definition of incense stick in the dictionary isa stick coated with incense, which burns slowly, releasing a fragrant odour. What irk stand for? The verb irk means "annoy," so if the incessant barking of your next door neighbor's pug is driving you crazy, you can say that the noise...
E-mail is a pipeline to thousands of experts on everything;it is a means of meeting people with similar interests or problems. But it is not a live talk—a real conversation like those in telephones.E-mailers compose letters at leisure on their computers, then send them by phone line to...
Peters should have thought of that before breaching her public duty, giving voters the middle finger and sacrificing herself on the mantle of Trump’s ego and incessant lies.
I'd finally found a kind, handsome man called Calum after splitting with my husband three years earlier. I was, as Gwyneth Paltrow (aged 39) said this week, 'past the baby stage', with its incessant demands and relentless mundane tasks: feeding, changing, wiping, burping ... Then, one...
Why: To get someone interested in reading your book. When to use it: The start of a query, book proposal, or anytime someone asks you, “What’s your book about?” What it does: A one-sentence summary takes your complex book with multiple characters and plotlines and boils it down in...
He said he was shackled and jailed for six weeks in insanitary conditions with only 'rotting garbage' to eat, before being bailed to await for trial. 他说,他被戴上镣铐,在恶劣的环境下被关了六个星期,只吃“腐烂的垃圾”,然后保释等待审判。
Since it was first recorded in the 14C., continual has been used at all times to mean ‘incessant, perpetual’, and also, less strictly (OED), to mean ‘repeated with brief intermissions’. Continuous is a more modern word (first recorded in 1673) than continual. It was first used in...