just in the same way . . . finally finally for the time being then basically . . . similarly . . . as well as first of all the next step simultaneously afterward to begin with in conclusion soon at first in the first place in time whileParagraph Starters When Summarizing an Argument...
In your first paragraph, you basically want to connect your hook to your thesis. You’ll do this with a few sentences setting up the stage for your topic and the claim you will make about it. To do that, follow the tips found in the next section on body paragraphs and general sentence...
Concluding Sentence | Overview, Examples & Starters from Chapter 7 / Lesson 12 1.8M Learn how to start a conclusion. Read about concluding sentences, their purpose, and how to write them. Explore conclusion sentence starters and find examples. Related...
Now that you have your thesis question and answer, you are ready to write your topic sentences. These topic sentences are the main reasons someone should believe your thesis statement. 3. Make a List of Reasons To figure out what those reasons would be, you need to make a list. For a ...
We use unsupervised methods on a large Croatian corpus to collect likely sentence starters, abbreviations, and honorifics. In addition to some commonly used features, we use these lists of words as features for classifier that is trained on a smaller corpus with manually annotated sentences. The ...
Philippine subgroup with an estimated 8‚000‚000 speakers (NSO‚ 2002-2004). This study is patterned mainly after the TagalogSentenceStructures: Minimalist Approach of Resty Cena. In this syntactic description‚ an overview of the language’s lexical phrases will be given for starters. ...
Below is a list of possible sentence starters, transitional and other words that may be useful. This essay discusses …… is explored …… is defined …The definition of … will be given… is briefly outlined …… is explored … The issue focused on …. … is demonstrated ... … is in...