To avoid making mistakes and increase yourIELTS band score, in this blog, we will cover everything candidates need to know about this task, including tips, strategies, common pitfalls, and the IELTS Reading sentence completion exercises PDF. What are IELTS Reading Sentence Completion Questions? Sen...
I purchased this app for my mother to use as an additional aid to the speech therapy she’s getting. She’s found it very helpful & extremely user-friendly. When doing paper exercises, she can get very frustrated when she gets an answer wrong, and she can’t see the way forward to ...
In this expanded series, Killgallon presents the same proven methodology but offers all-new writing exercises for middle school, high school, and college students. Unlike traditional grammar books that emphasize sentence analysis, these worktexts asks students to imitate the sentence styles of ...
“a sentence that gives a command or gives a request to do something”. An imperative sentence, according to the Collins Dictionary, is one that is used to denote “a mood of verbs used in giving orders, making requests, etc.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an imperative sentence ...
Use the exercises in the 90 Day Korean Membership Inside of 90 Day Korean membership, we have a structuredonline Korean course and a personal coaching portalthat allows you to write sentences to your coach and have them checked. It’s a great way to get feedback and continue to improve!
SentenceExercises English Writing I Name: ___#:___ 1 Compound sentences Choose the best coordinating conjunction for the following, then combine the two independent clauses into a single sentence in logical order.(use: and, or nor, but, for, so, yet)01. A re you applying for graduate s...
e.g.:【specific】I do Physical exercises every day. 【summary】I konw physical exercise is good for my health. III. A topic sentence should be concise and clear. e.g.:【concise】I enjoy watching the match-making program Find Your Soul-mate. 【redundan 3、t】 Find Your Soul-mate is ...
e.g.:【specific】I do Physical exercises every day. 【summary】I konw physical exercise is good for my health. III. A topic sentence should be concise and clear. e.g.:【concise】I enjoy watching the match-making program Find Your Soul-mate. 【redundant】 3、 Find Your Soul-mate is a...
exercises.Besides,by o ffering two principles andfour procedures tobe tollowedwhensentence group istreatedastheTUinC—Etranslation,whicharea11 drawnfromthetranslation practice oftheauthor herselfthisthesiswould provide a template forothertranslatorsin segmenting SGintotheTUinC.Etranslationand havecertainrefere...